Register Your .AUCTION Domain
get your .auction domain from 350.00DhLock Protection | EPP Code | DNS Management | Domain Forwarding | Email Forwarding | ID Protection | IDN | DNSSEC | Instant Activation |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Guess what? We're now taking bids, er, registrations on .AUCTION! Auctioning has heavily established its online presence and with a .AUCTION domain, you can put your bids out for the world to see! It's great for those who participate in auctions, auctioneers, and any related individuals, groups, or companies. With this domain you can leave the word "auction" out of your domain name because it's already in your domain extension! Make sure users know what your website is all about; get your .AUCTION domain name before it's going, going, gone!
Period | Registration | Renew | Transfert | Restore |
1 Year | 350.00Dh | 350.00Dh | 350.00Dh | 1,200.00Dh |
Auction Websites
40 Days
5 Days
30 Days